Sunday, September 13, 2009


Hey guys! Robin here.. Nala is busy begging for food, so I'm gonna blog for the both of us because I'm not really into the whole begging thing. I prefer to just steal em' when the hoomans are not looking. Kekeke..

Everybody is so lazy to help me blog these days and plus, there's nothing much going on. Although, my crazy hooman sister is currently obsessed with dressing me up in drag!

I was fine with it at first,

But it was starting to get annoying..

REALLY annoying..

She actually even put a bikini on me, but no chance in hell will you see it!

She says I make a very pretty girl. Probably even prettier than Nala. I beg to differ! I am a MAN! Fine, maybe just a boy but anyway, just because my balls are gone, it doesn't give her an excuse to make fun of me!

See? I ain't a girl.. I'm a handsome tough looking stud muffin!


  1. Yes, we can see that you are a STUD MUFFIN all the way down to the bone!

  2. YOu are definitely a guy's guy regardless of that pawsome dark makeup around your eyes - oops, sorry. But you are a gorgeous specimen of male, Robin. Just gorgeous.
    Hugs xo

  3. Awww, I have to admit that you do look quite pretty with those pink bows. Heehee! I had to wear those last time after a spa treatment at the groomer's.
