please excuse the person's butt behind us
What a day we had!
Oh yeah, what a day! You didn't move a single paw! I was the one participating in games!
I did meet a lot of new friends and had a fan base, you know..
SOOO! Today was Dogathon 2009! Minus the heat and the constant delay for the games, it was pretty awesome..
The hoomans woke us up at 6.30 in the morning and packed our stuff, put us in the car and we drove in the crack of dawn to University Putra Malaysia.
Where are we going??
NOO! I need my beauty sleep!
Okay, funny story. Our hoomans bought Mc'Donalds for themselves and they put it in a space near the gear box. And when we arrived, Robin tried to get to the front seat and ended up stepping on the chicken porridge and their drink, making a huuuugggeee mess in the car!
We registered straight away once we've arrived and Nala signed up for everything while I was told,
You're so fat and useless, so no need for you to join. Just embarrass yourself!
Aww, man. I probably wouldn't have enjoyed it anyway. A lot of running was required for all the games, so that's a big 'NO THANK YOU' for me..
As usual, a whole lot of butt-sniffing was going on. We made so many new friends there!
These two GR's reminds us of our friends, Paco & Milo. Well, their coat colors, at least.
First up was the Carnival Dog Race! Adik and I did not train for this event because she knows I'm an Energizer Bunny who doesn't have the word 'tired' in my dogcabulary. SHE however, only trained for a couple of days. She used to be good at these running things. She was in a marching band and cheerleading team, and she was required to run for like 45 minutes non-stop every single day so she was used to it. However, she quit both marching band and cheerleading this year, so she gained a few spare tires and lost a whole amount of energy.
Since I am a very very good girl, I hardly pulled her at all and did not stop once for any businesses whatsoever. Didn't even say hello to any other dogs so 'GO ME!' :D
Obviously, we didn't win, but Adik was very proud of me for not being a pain in the butt. And when she's happy, I'm happy. I came back to where Along and Robin were seated under a shade and Amber's puppies, River, Megan and Lara and their hooman were there.
Oooooh they are sooper cute and well behaved for little puppies. Most puppies we met just go psycho and start jumping here and there..
We went around after that and said Hi to a few lot of doggies and we met our friend Pluto there as well. He sure is tall!
The next game was called Fastest-Eating Duo. Our hoomans thought that I would have no problem in this game because I always gobble up everything I see without hardly even sniffing them first but you see, I don't like eating at a place I'm not very familiar with because I'm rather territorial, so I just stood there, my bowl untouched, instead, staring at the biscuits Adik was trying her best to finish and even tried to grab some.
Hehehehehe. Her food, I don't mind ;)
While Nala was participating in all these games, I was having a ball sleeping!! And having people take pictures of me. BOL!
Puppy 'Tummy Side Up' anyone?
Oh, Mr Balloon my only friend..
Afterwards was a game called Fixing Mr Clown

I'm up for the first round!
and whoooo, this one was completely Adik's fault. All I had to do was run beside her and wait for her to hang part of a clown's face around my neck and run with her to 'fix' the clown's face. I did the exact thing and even down-stayed like the good girl I am while she rummaged through a box looking for the clown's facial part.
Can you spot us?
Very useless, I tell you. I need to train her harder.
The next and the last game we played was called Doggy-Go-Round and this time, it was team work. I healed on her left side nicely and when the music stops, she passes me to a helper and she quickly race for a seat. We were sooo close to winning, if only the helper wasn't so blur and didn't grab hold of the leash fast enough. Sigh.
I was just cracking up watching it from the waiting tent. It was hilarious! Adik nearly fell of the chair so many times and Nala looked so clueless!
As you can tell, I did not win anything, but that's okay :) There's always next year and we all had fun.
*screeching break sound*
That was the fun part. Nope, we haven't went through the worst part yet!
In the waiting tent, there was this very annoying little Shih Tzu who is probably scared of big dogs and was barking to Nala for so bloody long when Nala didn't even do anything to it! And when I joined her, it was barking frantically at ME!
And the worst part? The owner wasn't even trying to shut it up! Oh no, if he ain't doing it, I will. I turned around and gave the little bugger one heck of a bark and it finally shut up.
What else? Oh my dogness, the HEAT! Amber's Hooman M told us about Amber getting heat stroke last year at the Dogathon, so we were really worried we were gonna get it too. We were literally like little buns getting baked in an oven. Even the hoomans were just dying!
We were waiting for the game called Speed-O-Eater that I was supposed to participate in, but the delay was too much and we went home.
And what awaits me home? This...
YUM YUM YUM! I do love me some rawhide bone!
You just wait, boy. When she finally teaches you the balancing trick, you'll suffer as much as I do. Look what awaits ME
Aww shucks! Not CHEESEBURGERS!
Oh well, she's been making me do it all day anyway..