Hello everybody! My name is Nala (not Mala or Nara or Tala or Bala or whatever it is people confused my name with) and welcome to my blog! :) Unfortunately, I have to share this blog with my baby brother Robin :( It's not that I hate him or anything, but he's just too annoying! And I don't understand why everybody thinks he's so adorable! Anyway.. I am a Golden Retriever (duhh) and I recently celebrated my very 1st birthday. I've been thinking about starting a blog for a while, but never really got the chance. You will see me writing about my fabulous life/self in this blog! I love my family very much for different reasons. Daddy always takes me for a good run. He can be very strict at times, but I know he loves me. Everybody does! Mummy is the food person. She feeds me very delicious food all the time and I love chewing on her hands because they're so bony. She doesn't mind ;) Along is pretty much my caretaker. It's her day job! Although she likes to boss Adik around with things like bathing me, walking me, feeding me, wash my *toot*, all the nasty stuff she wouldn't do, she aways takes time to surf the internet for exciting activities for me and Robin. Angah is, well, she's Angah. She will take me for walks occasionally, but mostly she just plays with me and entertain me. Adik is the 'do everything' person. Well, everything everyone else won't do. She likes to sneak me into the house every night (shh, don't tell Daddy) and let me watch Animal Planet till we doze off. She even makes me popcorn! I love them all!
So enjoy reading my blog and talk to you real soon! Woof!
P.S, I write in Red font and Robin writes in Blue.
Ssssuup everyone! The name's Robin. I'm a very handsome five moth old Golden Retriever. Other than my dad, I am the man of the house. See, everybody thinks I'm a little fat for a 5 month old pup, but what do I care. These fats score ladies, man! Like Nala, I love my family very very much. I also have a very dear best friend, Toby
He's a five days younger than I am, but almost five years smarter than I am. He's my neighbour and he's like a brother to me. I love to eat. Though I've noticed that they've cut down my intake a bit.. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this blog! As you can probably see, I don't talk as much as my sissy sister.
Hello Nala & Robin! Yeah, I remember you guys. Nala, you the barker huh? Heehee! Well, thanks for dropping by my blog. My hoomans actually wanted to ask your hoomies about where they got you & the other Golden that was with you from?
Solid Gold Momma